Year 7 applications for Admissions 2024
Ninestiles, an Academy admissions for new Year 7 2024 allows all students in Year 6 to sit an assessment to gain a place at the academy The assessment will be held on Saturday 21st October 2023. You must complete the Ninestiles an Academy application form for this by Friday 29th September 2023.
Assessment forms have been posted out to local primary schools. Please collect one from your primary school reception. If your primary school is not local you can obtain an assessment form via the following,
- Download the Assessment Form on the right hand side, fill it in and return to Ninestiles, An Academy
- Email [email protected] with your name and address and we will post a form out to you.
All applicants must also complete the Local Authority application form to be considered for a place at Ninestiles, an Academy. Please contact your child’s primary school for instructions on how to fill out the information required to complete the Local Authority admissions form. Contact details for the Local Authority are Tel. 0121 303 1888
Late applicants will be positioned on the distance waiting list after the initial offers are made to children who have completed our admissions process. Late entries from siblings are placed at the top of the distance waiting list and take priority.
Admission Allocation
Every year 300 places are offered to children aged 11 by 1st September in the year of entry, of which 9 places are allocated to the Resource Base by the Local Authority. All other applicants may undertake an assessment to attempt to gain a place. These assessments will test aptitude or ability in technology, maths and science. 30 places (10% of 300) will be allocated to those students achieving the highest marks in the assessment tests.
Up to 261 places allocated on criteria of:
- Looked after children and all previously looked after children who are now adopted or subject to a child arrangement order or special guardianship order. Including those children who have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
- Children with a brother or sister already at the academy who will still be in attendance in September 2024.
- Children attending a Summit Learning Trust primary school.
- Children who live nearest the academy.
Within each of these categories, priority is given to those who live nearest the academy, calculated on the basis of a straight-line measurement between home and academy. Distances are calculated on the basis of a straight line measurement between the applicant’s home address and the middle front gate of the academy. The Local Authority’s Distance Definition, Shared Responsibility, Separating /No tie Breaker definitions have been adopted by Ninestiles, An Academy.
In Year Admissions
In year admissions must be made using our admissions form available on the website.
All applications will be placed on our waiting list in order of the published admissions criteria with places allocated in order of priority as they become available.
Admissions Appeals
If you are unsuccessful in your application, you may have your appeal considered by an independent appeals panel convened by the school in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Department for Education. All appeals should be addressed to the Chair of Governors at Ninestiles, An Academy. These appeals will take place no later than June before admission in September. Appeal forms will be available from the school office.